
Hi there and welcome to my corner of the world!

There are many roads one might travel throughout their life. Sometimes we find ourselves down a road and we aren't quite sure how we got there, where it's headed, or when the next exit will appear...

I've decided to go off-road and start taking control over where my life is headed, ignoring the roads that are laid out before me. I believe that everyone has the power to ultimately decide what they want their life to be. It's not the easy way. The easy way would be to follow the road. Although off roading might take more effort, be more challenging, and require more work, in the end, it's all worth it!

I want nothing more than to have a positive impact on people's lives by sharing what I've learned about living a more intentional life and discussing the various tools and strategies I find along the way. I want everyone to be able to live their best life and I am excited to find like-minded people who I can join along this journey.

A little about me. I live in Australia and I am very close with my family. I love reading, art, and watching movies.

I completed a Bachelor of Psychology straight out of High School, putting so much pressure on myself (#perfectionist) to the point where I wanted to give up. I didn't give up though, I went on to graduate (with a painful 79.24 weighted average mark, just over half a mark away from a High Distinction). I couldn't study any longer at the rate I was going so that is when I entered the corporate world... where I quickly discovered the corporate world was definitely not for me! I would say that I found out quickly, but it took me 2 workplaces, 5 years, and 7 different titles until I finally escaped that toxic environment. Before escaping, I managed to make a defining decision in my life to go back to Uni to complete my fourth year in psychology. Although throughout this honours degree, I said that it was a terrible decision to return to Uni, it was ultimately the best thing I could have ever done!

Returning to Uni has brought me so many revelations about myself, and ultimately led to the biggest and most important mindset shift of my life (so far). I can now say that I am happy. I practice self-care, self-compassion, and self-love. This alone has brought a tremendous shift to my disposition but there is so much more to it and I'm so excited to build a community of like-minded people who want to work on self-improvement and live the life they have always wanted!

Reach out by sending an email to me at: newroadstravelled@gmail.com