Don't focus on consistency, focus on bouncing back
Focusing on consistency can actually make you less consistent. What if you changed the focus. Instead of focusing on staying on the wagon, focus on jumping back on the wagon again after you fall off.
We are often told that it's important to be consistent with the things that we do. With our habits and our lifestyle. Consistently go to the gym, meditate, eat healthy, sleep, etc.
Consistency is important. If we don’t consistently work on these habits, then it's easy to fall back into old habits. But the problem is when we focus on consistency, it often results in falling off the wagon, feeling like a failure, and not getting back on until we are sure we’re not going to fall off again.
Focusing on consistency can actually make you less consistent.
What if you changed the focus. Instead of focusing on staying on the wagon, focus on jumping back on the wagon again after you fall off. I think we have this misconception that it is really difficult to get back on track. That once you fall off you need to wallow in the mud for a while, clean yourself off, learn new skills, try a different method, and catch up to the wagon that has sped off into the distance, before you can even attempt to jump back on again.
What I’ve learned... the wagon is actually at walking pace. You can jump back on again whenever you want. The more times you show yourself that you can jump back on again, the easier it will become.
I would rather be someone that meditates every other week, than be someone that tried meditation over a year ago.
I would rather be someone that goes for a run every other month, than be someone who can't remember the last time they ran.
If there is a habit that you want to be doing. Don’t let the length of time between when you last did that habit and now stop you from jumping back on the wagon. Prove to yourself how easy it is and just start.