Half-Year Reset 2021

Girl in sunflower field living best life after a half-year reset 2021
Photo by Anthony Tran / Unsplash

What started as a checklist to go through with one of my friends, turned into a two-hour long workshop on zoom with a PowerPoint presentation, feedback survey and the start of a FB group that would eventually transform into New Roads Travelled.

The Half-Year Reset workshop covered the following:

  • Reflecting on the positive things you want to increase and the negative things you want to decrease in your life
  • Working out how you want to feel and what actions you can take to get you closer to that feeling
  • Learning how to empty your mind of all those nagging to-dos and batch your life admin tasks so they don't take up all of your time
  • Learning about how self-care and self-compassion are important elements of living your best life
  • Using a mindset shift to avoid the 'I should' and 'I have to' self-talk and replacing it with 'I want to' and 'I choose to'.
  • Focusing on the 'why' behind everything you do and remembering that not everything works for everyone, and not everything that works for you will work forever

I had just finished my second trimester back at uni and I decided that I didn't want to continue as I was. I had started off the year with the wrong mindset and it led me down a path where I wasn't looking after my mental health, my physical health, my relationships, and I wasn't living the life I wanted.

So I decided to hoast a half-year reset workshop with a group of my friends this ended up being a sliding door moment. The workshop covered so many topics from themes and values, reflection, and goal setting, to brain dumping, life admin, and to-do lists! It was a mix between a reset and a crash course on everything that I had learnt up until that point about how to create the life you want!

The foundation of the workshop was in self-compassion, and this was only the beginning of my understanding of the role that self-compassion plays in living our best lives.