How to remember your wins

Sometimes it can be hard to remember our wins. The negative things in our lives always seem to out way the positives, but here are some tips for how to recall your wins.

How to remember your wins

Sometimes it can be hard to remember our wins. The negative things in our lives always seem to out way the positives when it comes time to remember. Recalling your wins is a really good practice as it allows you to show gratitude for the positive things in your life and it helps rewire your brain to think more positively over time. However, if you struggle to remember wins, this activity can have the opposite effect.

I have a tip if you are struggling to think of your recent wins. I am not talking about a 'win', like an achievement, but it can be something that happened or that you did over the last 6 months that you were proud of or just a positive and enjoyable memory. Sometimes it's easy to forget the positives and just focus on the negatives. It's also easy to forget the little wins in your every day, especially in comparison to the bigger more obvious ones.

Look back through the photos on your phone, your calendar or diary, your previous to-do lists, look at places you've been in your google location history, ask family and friends, or brainstorm the different areas in your life.

I wrote down 34 more wins after going through my photo gallery! Here are three examples of my 'wins'. Hopefully, this helps get you thinking about some of yours

1. Completed my second trimester of university - even though I was stressed the whole time and didn't enjoy it at all, I am proud that I got through it and completed all my assignments

2. Camping with my partner for the first time - even though we got no sleep because of the people partying all night and it wasn't very comfortable and we were cold, I was still happy that we gave it a go and we got to go on a lovely walk the next day so that's a win!

3. Made delicious burritos - this may seem like such a tiny thing but they were REALLY good burritos and this win reminds me that I want to try new recipes and eat more delicious (semi-nutritious) food!

It just shows that wins don't have to be big or even 100% positive. Wins are everywhere in your life, you just have to look a bit harder sometimes to find them.