How to start a new habit knowing life is trial and error

How to start a new habit knowing life is trial and error

When trying to form habits in the past, I would often try one way of doing it -> have it not work -> think I'm a failure -> and give up.

This would often happen after hearing a success story from someone else and wanting it to work for me.

But it's often the case that things that worked for someone else won't always work for you. Even if it sounds like the perfect solution! That isn't always the case and it takes trialling new ways of doing things to find out what works for you.

Real-world examples

Here are some examples of habits I wanted to form and the strategies I trialled before hitting on the perfect option for me that meant success!!

I wanted to start running, so I trialled:

  • Couch to 5km? Not for me
  • Treadmill at the gym? No thank you.
  • Going to Park Run? Yes!

I wanted to start getting up earlier, so I trialled:

  • Setting my heater to turn on automatically? No
  • Scheduling things to do in the morning? No
  • Phone charger on the other side of the room? Yes!

I wanted a process for storing and accessing my to-do list, so I trialled:

  • Physical to-do lists? No
  • Various to-do list apps? No
  • Using Notion on my phone and computer? Yes!

If you’re wanting to start a new habit and it’s just not working, instead of thinking you’ve failed, try changing up the processes or strategies you’ve put in place and see if that makes a difference!