Six triggers to let you know its time for a life reset

Six triggers to let you know its time for a life reset

You can do a reset at any point in time! You don't have to wait until New Year's Eve to have a fresh start. Sometimes there are signs for when your life could benefit from a reset. It might be helpful to write down a list of your personal triggers so that you are more aware of what to look out for.

These triggers will be different for each person so it's important to reflect on what these might be for you. If you are feeling any of the triggers listed in this post, it's okay. Just remember that the most important thing is to be self-compassionate and understanding of the fact that not every moment, day, or month can be ideal and there are inevitably going to be rough times. Use this list as a gentle reminder to reflect and choose to start making small positive changes to get you back to feeling the way you want to feel.

Here are 6 potential triggers to look out for:

  1. I've noticed myself getting overwhelmed with everything I have to do
  2. My space has started to get unorganised and out of hand
  3. I am feeling unmotivated and not sure what to do with my time
  4. I am not happy with what I spend time doing throughout the day
  5. I have noticed myself avoiding healthy habits like getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, and exercising
  6. My to-do list or goals make me feel negative, rather than positive

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, it might be time to do some reflection on:

  • How you are currently feeling? and why are you feeling this way?
  • How do you want to feel? and what actions can you take to get you closer to this feeling?

Click here to find the half-year reset and stay tuned for the full life reset series.